This contract is between The Original Window to the Womb Ltd (the Company) and you, the customer (You) and shall be governed by the following Terms and Conditions of sale, none of which affect your statutory rights:
- The Company reserves the right to modify or improve our service without prior notice
- The Company will provide a 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D fetal ultrasound scan. Please be aware that scans are dependent on the position of the baby and the fluid surrounding baby?
- The photographs, digital images or recordings are to be used as a pictorial keepsake souvenir of the scan of your unborn baby and cannot be used for any type of medical or legal purpose but only for home entertainment.
- The Company offers You the ultrasound scan on the understanding that You are receiving the appropriate ante-natal care and have had one normal hospital scan. Under no circumstances should The Company be a substitute for your hospital ultrasound.
- Forming part of any scan package, the Company will undertake a well-being check of your baby and You will receive a verbal Well-being Report. Should your sonographer believe that there is any area of your baby’s development that needs to be brought to your attention, this shall be done in accordance with our Pathways Protocol.
(a copy of which is available for your perusal). The Company cannot and shall not be responsible for any act or omission.
We, at The Original Window to the Womb, acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 and we have put into place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 within our establishments. The safety of our customers and our staff is our utmost priority during the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic; we have implemented the use of social distancing and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) where necessary for the protection purposes of our customers and our staff. The primary purpose of all our scans will continue to be ensuring yours and your baby’s wellbeing.
We further acknowledge that we cannot guarantee that the customer will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. We understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of customers and their families/friends. The customer voluntarily seeks services given by The Window to the Womb and they hold the understanding and acknowledgment that they are increasing their risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/ COVID-19. The customer must also acknowledge and comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread whilst attending their allocated appointment given by The Original Window to the Womb.
The customer must attest that:
* They are not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
* They have not travelled internationally within the last 14 days or have had a negative test.
* They do not believe they have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
* I am following all Government recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
Although we endeavour to take every precaution to keep our customers safe, we cannot accept liability for a mother or child potentially getting Covid while choosing to visit us for a private scan.
We encourage all our customers to visit the following website below before their visit to us at The Original Window to the Womb. For additional information and the latest advice on COVID-19 during pregnancy, search for ‘COVID-19 Virus Infection and Pregnancy’ and visit the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) website.
Please advise us before your scan of any allergies that may be relevant in regard to your scan with us.
- The Company will record your scan and send your this digitally. Please note that the Company do not retain copies of your scan. You must report any problems to us by the day following of your scan. If You are not satisfied with any aspect of our service. You must report this to us at the time.
- THE COMPANY CANNOT GUARANTEE FULL FACE IMAGES OF YOUR UNBORN BABY AS THESE IMAGES DEPEND ON YOUR BABY’S POSITION IN THE WOMB. THE COMPANY UNDERTAKE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE BEST IMAGES POSSIBLE BUT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THESE DEPEND ON YOUR BABY’S COOPERATION. With this in mind the Company may not be able to guarantee that your appointment will run on time but we will always do our very best to capture the best possible images.
- The Company do not allow any personal photography to be carried out in our studio, but this is at the discretion of the scan room team.
- The Company shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused by any act or omission by employees, servants or agents of The Company save for those set out in these Terms and Conditions
- The Company will not be held responsible for any breach of contract caused by circumstances beyond its control
- The data collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of identification within this organisation and will not be disclosed to any external sources without your express written consent. GDPR policy in place.
- The Company retain Copyright of any images that we take, unless You specifically ask us not to. We may use your images on our website and on our Facebook and Pinterest and social media accounts. We will NEVER pass on your images to any other organisation.
- Please tick if you don’t want us to use your images for marketing
- This contract is governed by the laws of England and Wales and forms the entire contract between The Company and You.
Technology Health and Safety
Ultrasound is very high frequency sound waves, well above the perception of the human ear.
- 3D and 4D ultrasound uses the same technology as 2D ultrasound that’s commonly used in
- 2D ultrasound gives imaging in 2 dimensions and is used in diagnostic
- 3D ultrasound gives images in 3-dimensions, still
- 4D ultrasound gives imaging in the fourth dimension, giving us real time, so we may watch baby’s movement in the
- 5d HD Live High Definition
Voluson Scanning Machine
Our ultrasound scanner is basically a very powerful computer; its processor interprets the reflected high frequency sound waves into 2 and 3D pictures and adds the fourth-dimension to give us real time imaging. 5D is the latest in technology and the most up to date.
We take safety very seriously and have adopted the ‘As Low As Reasonably Achievable’ (A.L.A.R.A.) protocol when scanning. This means that our scanning machine is pre-set to operate at the lowest output levels
All of our scans start with a 2D diagnostic scan which will allow our sonographer to check the development and wellbeing of your baby. You will only ever be scanned by a fully trained and qualified medical professional.
We also follow British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) guidelines for ultrasound scans, which means we do not scan before 15 weeks and unlike other providers, our scans do not last for 30 minutes or more.
We always ask you to bring your hospital notes with you to your scan so that our sonographer is aware of any pre-existing medical issues. Please advise us of any issues that you are aware of?
Please feel free to ask advice from your own Doctor or Midwife about visiting us.
Are ultrasounds safe?
There’s no evidence that scans are harmful, if used according to the guidelines and by qualified professionals. Ultrasound scans have been used in pregnancy for decades. The person carrying out your scan (sonographer) is highly trained and will follow all the right guidelines to ensure that you and your baby are completely safe. This is our highest priority.
Will the way ultrasound works affect my baby?
Having an ultrasound won’t affect your baby. Ultrasound sends sound waves through your womb (uterus), which bounce off your baby’s body. The echoes are turned into an image on a screen, so your sonographer can see your baby’s position and movements.
Studies have found no link between ultrasound and birth weight, childhood cancers, dyslexia or hearing.
During an ultrasound scan, the equipment generates a very small amount of heat which is absorbed by the part of the body that’s being scanned. Antenatal scans produce less than one degree centigrade. This means they’re fine for you and your baby. It’s only if the temperature of the scanned body tissue rises by four degrees centigrade or more that harm may be caused.
This uses a low intensity of ultrasound spread over a large area, which causes very minimal heating. What’s more, the fluid around your baby and any movements she may make will help to spread any heat. This may help to reassure you further. 3D, 4D & 5D scans are just as safe as 2D scans, because the image is made up of sections of two-dimensional images converted into a picture. The power intensity is the same as it is for 2D scanning.
The Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation produced a report in February 2010 on the effects of ultrasound and infrasound on health. The report’s key finding was that although there is insufficient evidence of harm resulting from scans, there is a possibility of unconfirmed risks to the unborn child, and it called for more research. If you would like to read the report, just ask one of the team and we will make it available to you?
Our Duty of Care
We are a diagnostic obstetric Ultrasound Clinic. Our sonographers are trained in all aspects of fetal ultrasound and in the event of us finding a problem we will explain our observations to you as fully as we are able to and will also speak to your midwife or Doctor on your behalf if you want us to. You will receive a Fetal Well-being Report from us.
Our Staff
Our Sonographers are fully qualified health care professionals and also work within NHS hospitals. All our staff are DBS checked (formerly CRB)
Our sonographers carry fully comprehensive insurance.
The Care Quality Commission
We are fully registered with the Care Quality Commission.
Comments or Complaints
We welcome any comments and take any complaints seriously. Please speak to any of the team should you have any complaints or comments about any aspect of your experience with us? Alternatively, our complaints forms and policy are readily available in the clinic for you to take away and return to us should you prefer.
Refunds and Returns
For details of our refunds and returns policy, please click here.
Revised 09 January 2025